Today the project has held the second Industrial Advisory Board meeting with which we have concluded a 3-day technical workshop. During the series of meetings, that started last week, the consortium has reviewed the work done so far and discussed about the next steps of the project. As a result, technical work packages WP3, WP4 and WP5 have already kicked-off, with many interesting challenges ahead! This was also one of the...
Latest UP2DATE press reléase, introducing the project objectives and the consortium, has been picked up by different Spanish and French media (national newspapers, local and national magazines and industrial digital media). Moreover, we have received first subscribers of UP2DATE Newsletter. If you do not want to miss any information about the project, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us in our social networks (linkedin and twitter). ...
The consortium is currently working on the first version of UP2DATE Explotation and Dissemination plan. The plan includes measures for dissemination and to actively engage stakeholders and enhance the buy-in of project results. Creating communication materials, such as, leaflefts, roll-ups...