
The overall UP2DATE goal is to provide a new software paradigm for SASE Over-the-Air software updates for Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems (MCCPS).

The paradigm will be implemented through a new software architecture that will enable the runtime deployment of new (mixed‐criticality) applications remotely (patching existing functions or extending the functionality) in heterogeneous computing platforms. Moreover, UP2DATE will provide a strategy for the future certification of the approach with respect to functional safety (e.g., IEC‐61508, ISO‐26262) and security IEC‐62443, ISO 21434) standards through dedicated concepts that build around composability and modularity as main properties to enable a dynamic (post‐deployment) validation of SASE properties.

From a technical and operational point of view, the main objectives (O) and the main project outputs and results (R) are as presented below:

  • Provide possible design strategies to tackle down safety/security issues from MCCPS implemented on complex hardware platforms (R1).
  • Define the UP2DATE SASE contracts (R2, R5).
  • Elaborate observability, controllability and feedback strategies (R3, R5).
  • Integrate SASE contracts, UP2DATE middleware, and secure communication into UP2DATE SW architecture (R4, R5).
  • Demonstrate UP2DATE architecture applied to two case-studies: automotive and railway (R6, R7, R8).
  • Carry out an assessment of safety and security certifiability of the concepts for OTASU in MCCPS (R6, R7).
  • To foster dissemination and technology transfer activities.