Presential meeting at IKERLAN

Presential meeting at IKERLAN

UP2DATE consortium meets in person in IKERLAN premisses at San Sebastian to advance on the last implementation phase.

After two years of virtual meetings, we finally had the chance to see each other in person again!

As the project is already in its final phase, the meeting was very fruitful to work together in the integration of all developed technologies.

The main work during these three days was oriented towards the development and evaluation of our three use-cases:

  • Pedestrian detector research use-case were research partners are focused on integrating all pieces together
  • Automotive use case is prepared to integrate the update and monitoring services in it and we already had some working demos!
  • Railway  use case were we already managed to instrument the application with the required monitors and test initial updates

In addition, last day of the meeting was dedicated to IAB meeting preparation and definition of next steps!

Apart from all the productive work, we cannot forget about the great social activities after the meetings, where we had the chance to learn a bit more about the basque culture!