UP2DATE TechTalk 1: MULTIC Timing Contracts

UP2DATE TechTalk 1: MULTIC Timing Contracts

The UP2DATE consortium is organising a set of internal technical talks for sharing the expertise on relevant technical topics for the project. In this first series of UP2DATE TechTalks Frank Poppen from OFFIS gave an introduction into MULTIC Timing Contracts.

With MULTIC, OFFIS provides to the UP2DATE project a compositional semantic framework based on a notion of components, their interfaces and their interaction. Equipped with well-defined semantics allowing to express timing specifications in terms of contracts, and together with also well-defined operations (such as decomposition and refinement). The MULTIC Timing Specification Language (MTSL) consists of a carefully selected set of timing contract specification patterns covering a multitude of relevant timing phenomena in the area of complex real-time systems. In UP2DATE, Timing Contracts are the foundation for describing timing requirements for composable and updatable software components.

Watch the recorded presentation here (it was originally given at the SAE World Congress Experience (WCX’18), see https://saemobilus.sae.org/content/2018-01-0592/):


More information on the MULTIC approach can be found here: